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Faculty Service



Palatine High School provides typing and copying services for its summer school teachers.  Below are some hints to help provide you with the best, most efficient service possible.


TYPING:    Please submit work to be typed at least two days in advance.  For longer items, please allow three days.  Fill out a work order and place it in the faculty service basket in the attendance office.


COPYING:    For fewer than 30 copies, there use the small Xerox machine in faculty services.


For large documents, please fill out a work order and place it in the basket in the attendance office.  Please allow one day for copying services.


TEST SCORING MACHINES:  There are test scoring machines located in various department offices, as well as in the faculty lounge.  Apperson forms may be picked up in Faculty Service.


If you have any questions or problems, please see the summer school secretary or faculty service secretary.




To assist the Summer School Faculty Service staff we ask all teachers to follow some simple procedures.  You must have all originals approved for the proper machine.  Your assistance and consideration will be appreciated.

1.    Teachers should use the small Xerox machine to do any classroom worksheets for classes with 35 students or less.  You may collate and staple up to three pages.  Larger projects should be submitted to Faculty Service.


2.    Teachers submitting request for copies on the large Xerox must also submit a clean and clear master for duplication.  You should prepare this master on the small Xerox.  Work orders need to be turned in the day before work is needed


3.    Items that have large areas of dark printing or dark pictures do not copy well on our machines.  Such items should be reviewed with Faculty Service to improve copy quality.


4.    Xerox room opens at 7:45 a.m.  You have access to the small machine up to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday.  If you need to use the small Xerox, remember the summer school entry code is #123.


Thank you for your cooperation and efforts in helping our small but dedicated summer staff.  The summer school faculty service person is Cheri Wolf  (x 1677).

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