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Test Makeup


1.  A student must present a current student identification card in order to be served by Test Make-Up. 


2. Remember that in most cases, students must be held responsible for making up tests during their free time. Students should be allowed to take a test during class time only if the class is going over that test and the students would be excluded from the classroom anyway.


3. Teachers may issue passes to students excusing them from Study Hall to take tests, but the students so excused must present current ID’s along with the passes upon arrival at Test Make-Up in order to be served.


4. A separate test and answer sheet should be provided for each student with the student’s name and the teacher’s name on the test.  A drop off basket is located in test make-up.  If you are dropping off a test after hours, there is a basket in the copy room in which you may leave it.  


5. Do not give tests to students to carry to Test Make-Up. It is the teacher’s responsibility to have the proper test on file.


6. If there are special instructions in regard to a particular test (open book, etc.), please indicate such on the test.


7. Completed tests will be put in your mailbox.


8. Each teacher should clean out his file biweekly so that the volume of tests can be handled efficiently.



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